
Disabled access

There is good access for the disabled to all of our consultation rooms. A designated parking bay is adjacent to the surgery entrance and the surgery has a ramp and ... [continue] Disabled access


We are a learning organisation and committed to training and supervising the next generation of Clinicians and primary care researchers in the NHS. We take students from the University of ... [continue] Education

GP net earnings

The average pay for GPs working in XXXXXXXX Surgery in the last financial year was £XX,XXX before tax and national insurance. This is for X full time GPs and X part ... [continue] GP net earnings

Mission statement

To provide evidence-based, accessible, proactive, high quality, comprehensive healthcare services for our patients that inspires the next generation of clinicians. Our Vision We aim to provide the best possible outcomes ... [continue] Mission statement


We are a level 4 research practice and contribute to recruitment of patients for research purpose for Principal Investigators across the country. Please let us know if you are interested ... [continue] Research

Veteran friendly GP practice

[Practice name] is an accredited Veteran Friendly GP Practice. We are proud to support our Armed Forces community and being Accredited shows that we are able to deliver the best possible ... [continue] Veteran friendly GP practice

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 21st December, 2022